Lost in Translation, that's the truth

To obtain a work visa we had to go through a thorough medical. That was some sort of science fiction fun. As a parting gift we received the "INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL HEALTH PROTECTION BOX". One pill makes you grow taller, the other smaller, choose wisely. Actually, we got a pamphlet: the green pill is for a middle degree headache [adverse reaction- drug rash, bleeding erythema, dermatitis exfoliative, photosensitiviy, drug fever, allergic shock, neutrophilic granulocytopenia, liver lesion, hematuria, renal failure, HEADACHE, malaise, hallucination, skin eruption, anorexia (what?), heavy sweating, mouth cavity inflammation and vomiting]. On my spell check some of those words aren't even recognized, what are they even talking about? Anyway, thanks, but no thanks. I will take the middle degree headache.
I don't think I've seen one thing truly translated right, even in a government hospital we got the "registvation line".

They have the most random, wonderful sayings on everything from notebooks, to mugs, to my favorite coffee drink here "Mr. Bond". At the bottom of the can it says "I'm young...I'm coffee". Uh, ok.
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