Happy Halloween!!!

Pumpkins are small here in China, but that didn't stop me from participating in the pumpkin carving contest. This freak won me a massage voucher at a spa.


Alice andPig.Posted by Picasa

Master of Nets Garden

One of the many Gardens in Suzhou. This one offers evening performances from May to November.

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Wedding in Shanghai

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Dress one.

Dress two.

Dress Three.
The honeymoon suite. Their bed was covered in balloons and peanuts for their arrival.Posted by Picasa

Streets of Shanghai

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Walking the Bird

Birds for sale. I hear there is an expression in china "walking the bird" which means to do nothing. I guess from the old men who take their birds in their bird cages and go for a walk.
Bird treats. This woman sat there pinching off cocoon tips to expose little larvae. In the bottom corner of this photos is a bin of mill worms.Posted by Picasa

Cricket Fights

This might be the strangest thing I've seen up to date. Cricket boxing and the seriousness of it all. All the tools that go along with it, paying for the best fighter to breed (they're more expensive then kitties and puppies!) , the gambling. There's so many crickets it stinks. I'm still pondering over why, seems like the stupidest thing I can think off, yet at the same time next time I'm in Shanghai I want to go back. That's a weird allure.

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Wedding in Shenyang

Throwing candy.
At the end of the ceremony the grooms mother came up to me to give me a gift for being a special guest. It was red tissue paper filled with candy and cigarettes. Candy good, cigarettes funny.Posted by Picasa

Food, food, food. I've never seen so much uneaten food as I've seen since I've been here. In this picture you can see the tables stacked with plates of uneaten food. The floor here is covered in sun flower seed shells and spit.

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